TOP 10 Experience Running Google Ads

Google adwords advertising is currently a dominant trend in the advertising market. Google adwords advertising campaigns with low cost, focus on the right potential customers, easy to convert. However, as a newbie, you need to have some necessary knowledge and experience in running google ads to avoid spending too much money on your campaign. So, take advantage of these 10 valuable experiences in this article now!

1. Research and classify keyword groups

The main keyword is one of the factors that determine whether your ad is fully optimized or not. Keyword research and classification helps you clearly know what is the main keyword, which is the secondary keyword, and from there focus on analyzing the main keyword, running google adwords more effectively. The experience of running google ads given here is that you should choose the right keywords that target your products and brands, this makes it easy for customers to find you, and minimizes advertising costs. You need to expand keywords, increase keyword length, focus on your product more. Customers in need will be approached quickly and efficiently.
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2. Understand how google adwords works 

To run google adwords effectively, it is necessary to understand how it works. Surprisingly, most people spend money on google ads before even understanding how google adwords works.
Adwords works like an auction system. The system depends on how much you spend on ads and your ad rank for a keyword. Those with the highest ratings will be displayed at the top of the google search page.
Ad ranking is based on 3 criteria including bidding cost, keyword quality score, and ad extension. We have a formula to rank ads by multiplying 3 criteria. Bidding cost is the amount spent on a keyword. Keyword Quality Score is the similarity between the ad copy and the keywords. Ad extensions are additional information about your business. This is the experience of running google ads to keep in mind to increase the success of the ad campaign.

3. Choose the right target audience to run ads

Selecting the right audience to run ads helps you save a lot of money compared to distributing ads in a too wide area that wastes advertising potential. Should only focus on the target customer group, develop content, research to understand customer behavior. Choosing the right audience to run ads helps you save your budget and increase your success when running google adwords.

4. Optimize the best sales landing page (increase the conversion rate)

One of the experiences of running google ads is optimizing sales landing pages. When running ads, you often have to link to products, and your product pages must meet SEO standards, in addition, you must also pay attention to experiences such as UX-UI and link loading speed, etc. To optimize the landing page, it is necessary to have an http:// certificate to increase security as well as create sympathy and trust for users. In addition, the landing page must be related to the keywords in your ad, the page load speed should be moderate to best optimize the landing page.


5. Use the right keyword match 

Keyword matching trick is a trick google provides for you for free. Keyword matching controls which google searches can trigger your ads. There are 3 basic types of keyword match: broad match, phrase match, and exact match. It is advisable to choose the right keyword match type to increase the effectiveness of your ad. For example, instead of putting the keyword "learning marketing", expand your keyword more like "learning marketing online" or "learning marketing cheap" depending on the product features you want to advertise.

6. Use extensions when running Google Adwords 

To make the ad template richer, you should flexibly use additional google utilities such as sitelinks, price extensions. You can display more information on your ad, such as your address, phone number, customer feedback and product reviews. Creating more convenience and trust for customers about your products and services.


7. Use the keyword “Buyer Intent Keyword” 

Buyer Intent Keyword is understood as buying behavior keyword. The common mistake of those who are new, inexperienced in running google ads is running ads with very general keywords without knowing that the new Buyer Intent Keyword will attract customers for you.
Common Buyer Intent Keyword phrases such as
- Should buy+Product name+where
- Buy+product name+cheap price
- Product name+associated with customer geographic location, Da Nang, Hanoi, .. ..
- Product name + price setting, under 200k,...
When you choose the phrase Buyer Intent Keyword that suits you, customers will quickly find you.

8.Run remarketing ads (remarketing) 

There should be a remarketing step in the process of running google ads, because many customers still visit your product link but have not decided to buy for many reasons. Therefore, remarketing advertising is extremely necessary to remind customers about your products as well as inculcate your brand in the minds of customers.

9.Optimize the Google Adwords ad template

The greed of writing too long in the ad makes customers lazy to read, get bored and easily ignore your product. Be as concise and optimized as possible, focus on the main keyword, give the necessary information, directly target the customer psychology. You should put the main keyword in the ad template, add the promotion part. to stimulate purchases and the description should be as short and concise as possible.

10.Choose the right display time for the target customer behavior

At certain times, running google adwords ads brings better results. The most effective display times are peak hours and office hours. You should only display at certain time frames that match the target customer's behavior, avoiding wasting advertising potential. 
Through these 10 experiences of running google ads , hope you will make wise decisions and run ads more effectively, good luck!

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